There are numerous circumstances where our usual Hot Water Spray Extraction method of cleaning upholstery is not suitable. In these situations, our low moisture cleaning methods can be employed, especially on certain fabrics that do not appreciate a lot of water.
This is a method we will also use if the items being worked on are only lightly soiled and do not require a really deep clean.We also tend to use them in a commercial setting on the likes of office chairs when really short drying times are required.
We use a special liquid polymer crystalising formula which is boosted with oxygen that is sprayed onto the upholstery following a through vacuum which is then mechanically agitated into the fabric. This environmentally friendly encapsulation formula will then crystallize and suspend the soil which can be easily towelled off.
It also has the added advantage of deodorising as well as stain guarding your upholstery all in one go